The Best Ways to Manage Multiple Contractor Jobs at Once

The business world is always running at a fast pace, and that means that it’s likely that...

The business world is always running at a fast pace, and that means that it’s likely that you’ll have more than one job to work on at a given time. In order for you to succeed in your industry, you have to know the best ways to handle and manage several projects at once. You have to assign priorities to all of the tasks that you have to work on, write detailed plans, and keep the information of projects together.

There are many strategies that you can employ such as working on the projects that you dread first and transitioning between two projects if you get stuck. You can also reduce pointless tasks.

In this article, we'll show you how you can be successful at every single one of your projects and keep all your clients happy.

Prioritize Your Projects


Not everything that you will be working on has the same payoff once you finish them - or the same drawbacks if you don't. As you're working on multiple projects and keep on adding more to your to-do list, use a type of system that will remind you of the things that are priority. Also, list the things that you can afford to put off for a certain period of time.

Here are a few ways to prioritize projects:  

  • Prioritize based on the due dates of the projects.  Make sure that you only work on the jobs that are nearest to the due date. Of course, you should not wait until a project's deadline is fast approaching before you work on it.
  • Prioritize based on the size and/or difficulty of the projects. You can try that because it’s good to avoid putting off difficult projects and working on them only at the eleventh hour.
  • Use a color-coding system to clearly see the priority levels of each task or project. For example, red for the highest, yellow in the middle, and then green for the things that you can put on hold.  

Write A Detailed Process

We know that each project you undertake entails multiple aspects, steps, and phases. Make it a habit to break down your projects into specific categories or chunks of work. You can write them down to make a plan on how you'll work through all the steps of the process. It would be a great solution to set a time limit for you to accomplish each task. Of course, you have to stick to that. Make sure you overestimate the time that you will need so you can have a bit of cushion.

This may be a habit that will seem like you are using extra time. However, having a very detailed guide on the things that you need to do before you start working on them will help in guarding yourself against being forgetful about certain tasks along the way.

Do not worry about going overboard when you write down the details. The more you try to expand projects, the clearer the things that need to get done will be for you. What's more, you'll feel like you have accomplished more because you're working through the small parts of a project.

Use Productivity Apps


In today's paperless world, it’s time for you to digitize your to-do list. Fortunately, there are many apps available that can be suitable for your needs. Consider using Evernote if you want to have one place for all of your notes. The app is easy to use and it’s flexible.

If you want to check off boxes and make lists as they work best for you, you can use project management tools such as Asana and Basecamp. Both of them are very simple to use. They will also allow you to make a list of the phases of a project. Upon opening, the apps will display all the tasks that need to be accomplished for the day. You can eliminate the ones that you have completed throughout the day as well. By using any of these apps, you will increase your productivity and stay organized – which is good for your mental health as well.

Manage Your Inbox

Have you tried opening your email inbox and instantly feel overwhelmed by the number of requests and messages you have to go through? You are not alone! To make it easier, set a filter for the emails that you get regularly. This will enable you to have these particular emails automatically compiled in a single folder. You will also know where to access them. Also, create separate folders for trade information, receipts, previous and current customers, etc.

Take note: It’s important to unsubscribe from the newsletters that you have no plans on reading. They will just fill your inbox, making it difficult for you to sort the important emails.

File Folders


There’s nothing wrong with relying on a trusty pen and paper when organizing projects. But, you need to be sure that you have set a system so you don’t lose a single thing. Filing folders is an excellent way of doing this. Another method is by using small binders to keep everything together. Whatever it is that you decide to use, make sure that it’s a system that caters to your needs.

Maintain Your Productivity

Pick a task that you have been dreading to work on. Then, do it as soon as possible.

If you avoid working on the things that you don't want to do in the first place, you will just keep on stressing about them. We suggest you force yourself to get started on tackling the hard stuff early or as soon as you start working during the day. As soon as the task is completed, you will feel as if a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders. It will also give you the feeling that you're capable of accomplishing anything that’s thrown your way.

Having to complete a lot of jobs at once is great for business but it can be stressful and you are more prone to make mistakes. To ensure quality and the satisfaction of your clients, you should manage your tasks and time well. Only then you can truly be successful.
