5 Ways To Take Better Pictures of Your Work

There’s no feeling quite like the one you get after a job well done. When all the equipment is...

There’s no feeling quite like the one you get after a job well done. When all the equipment is loaded, the site is cleaned, and you’ve stepped back to enjoy the view, you’ve got one last step to complete: taking pictures of your work. Taking pictures of your work is important because it will allow you to display your craft to other customers, and is also useful for your own records. If, for example, a reference from a client calls and says they want the same patio built as you built for their friend, you’ll be able to pull the picture and know exactly what they’re looking for. We’ve put together these five tips to help you take the best pictures possible of your work.

Use a Decent Camera


These days, even most cell phone cameras fall into this category. You don’t need to go out and buy an expensive camera, but you do need to make sure the one you use takes good quality photos. These photos will be a selling point to the world, so it’s wise to make sure they’re as clear and well defined as possible. You could also buy a couple of decent “point and shoot” cameras sl your foremen can take pictures of anything that needs to be recorded or documented.

Clean Backgrounds

Make sure all your tools and equipment are out of the background, unless you’re taking pictures of the work in progress. If you’re photographing completed work, make sure the only thing in the frame is the work, the ground, and the sky. Naturally there will be things like trees and so forth in the background, but remove everything work related as far as is possible. You should also make sure all the clean up has been done before you start taking pictures, as a dirt job site never looks good.

Use A Tripod


Using a tripod will result in much steadier photos. If you don’t want to spring for a tripod, lean your elbows on a solid surface as you snap pictures. This will help the stability and result in better quality pictures.

Use The Forecast

Bright and sunny days are naturally better for photography of outside work, and can result in better pictures for inside work as well. Plan your photo shoots around good weather to maximize the use of natural light, which will result in better quality photos. Sometimes the natural light won’t be enough, so experiment with the flash feature on your camera.

Take As Many Pictures As You Can

Take a lot of pictures from as many angles as possible. By having a lot of pictures to choose from, you’re able to pick the cream of the crop for your website or portfolio. If you don’t take a lot of pictures, you’ll be limited to what you have.

These job photography tips will help you get the best pictures of your work possible. Once you have them, be sure to post them on your site or add them to your portfolio! After all, even the best picture doesn’t get results if no one ever sees it.
