House Painting can increase the value of your home by $3,066
House painting is very important for many reasons. Many do not seem to realize this and only see house painting as a luxury that can be skipped. House painting in Beverly is a good way to give homes an outstanding look. Many homeowners hire experienced painters from house painting contractors in Beverly to do the task. Not only will they provide high standard painting jobs, but they will ensure that the result of their house painting will match your taste.
Fair price breakdown
Professional house painting contractors in Beverly provide their clients with estimates that will primarily be based upon the square footage of the home. For exterior painting services, Beverly house painting normally starts from $4,415 and will be changed depending on the square footage, number of stories and accessibility of the house to the work to be done. A house with warped wall or rough texture may cost more to paint than one with a flat surfaced house wall.
Estimated final cost for house painting
Item | Quantity | Fair Price |
Home Labor | 88.6 Hours | $4,875.01 |
Home Job Materials and Supplies | 1600 Square Feet | $1,222.83 |
Home Equipment Allowance | $59.61 | |
Totals - Cost to Paint Homes - 1709 Square Feet | $6,157.44 | |
Average Cost Per Square Foot | $3.85 |
Find the Best Costs on House Painting - Beverly, 01915
The cost of house painting in Beverly may also depend on the materials that have been used for the construction. There are some materials used in houses that cost more to paint and there are some that cost less. House painters in Beverly always check on this important detail to know what preparation should be needed before applying paint on the exterior. There are instances when an old paint should be removed first before applying a fresh coat because of the kind of material used in the construction. Some construction materials also need special painting equipment. Normally, these are the major factors that greatly affect the cost of house painting.
Essex County House Painting FAQ
Last Updated: Jan 1, 2025
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