5032 N 199TH AVE
Litchfield Park, AZ 85340
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Recent Reviews

By Layla
Jun 19, 2024

This is the worst business ever and they are not licensed. I'm contacting ROC and Better Business Bureau against this guy that tries to make you pay for services that have not been rendered. He blows your yard twice a month and he expects you to pay $80. He leaves all the broken branches in the base of every plant. He also leaves all the leaves and debris at the base of every plant and does not blow it out at all whatsoever for the world. He does not trim your trees at all whatsoever and he cut the heck out of your hibiscus plants so they look like crap. He let your plants die and he goes off to the next job and does not look to see what the problem is. $80 to blow the yard twice a month that's a joke . If you want a professional Landscaper hire one that is licensed. He charged $500 to trim your plants just because there was a lot of leaves on the ground from the trees. All our neighbors told us that we got ripped off and we paid way too much just because of leaves on the ground. All you have to do is use a yard blower and blow them on the parkway and the HOA cleans it up. Think twice before you use this guy.

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