Are dogs the best or what? Coming from a person who’s been crazy about cats her whole life, that means a lot! I was never a big fan of dogs until I actually got one and was able to experience what all the fuss was about. I mean, of course I do still love cats, but doggos are just as great! They love you like crazy right from the start, and these owners meeting their dogs for the very first time are a living proof.
Keep scrolling down to see what I’m talking about!
“I think dogs are the most amazing creatures. The give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive.” - Gilda Radner
New Family

There’s so much happiness in this photo it’s even contagious through the computer screen! I don’t think any other animals share this much love at first meet as dogs and humans do!
Daddy’s Love

Not only is this dog meeting his new, loving owner, but it’s also a beautiful sunny day. Is this the best day of this dog’s life or what? I simply love this picture!
Nursing Home Project

There are a lot of nursing homes out there that have this annual project of adoption, where the people living there can get a dog for themselves. This helps them live better and happier, plus: it keeps animal shelters from being full!
What’s This Object on My Human?

Puppies are not only cute, they’re really curious too. Which means that sometimes they do these adorable yet strange things, like bite their owner’s nose! I’d consider it a gesture of caring and love, because you know, dogs!
Peaceful Home

This little cutie probably spent the whole afternoon running around with her new buddy, and when it was time to get to her new home she just felt so at peace she fell asleep (while still smiling!). So cute!
Let’s Party, Mama

My heart melts whenever I see a dog with a face like this! That’s because it reminds me of my own dog - which sadly can’t live with me, but I still visit him at my parent’s house every other month. That the exact face he made when he first met me too!
All You Need Is Love

Isn’t this the most beautiful love-at-first-sight case you’ve ever seen? Such pure love between these two! I really do hope they’re having the greatest time together and making a happy home for everyone around!

Now over here we have two of a kind! It’s really awesome when owner and dog have similar personalities, and from what I see in this picture, I’m sure this is a happy match.
Who’s The Good Owner

It’s truly adorable when dogs start licking us, though many people prefer they don’t do it on their faces, sometimes dogs manage to take advantage of their positions. Like this mini-dog here just did! It’s always a case of “hey, don’t do that”, but we’re actually laughing at the situation.
Hi There, Cutie

This lady looks so ready to give her full attention and care to her new friend (and that new friend is really digging the idea of a happy home at last!).
Oh, look, there’s a camera

Road trip checklist at hand? Because these two are ready to go! They just met, but they look like they already have years of friendship on the calendar.
Do you have any photos of meeting your dog for the first time? Send us on our Facebook page so we can share of that moment with you too!