Donald Thompson Plumbing and drains

Donald Thompson Plumbing and drains

Plumber -
Broomall, PA
  • Drain Cleaning in North Wales, PA
  • Sewer & Water Main in Fort Washington, PA
  • Water Heater in Royersford, PA
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Rating 50
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We analyze and rate each contractor to help our users find the perfect candidate for the job. Contractors must claim and maintain their profiles to ensure a high and trustworthy rating. In addition, we utilize the following elements to determine the homeyou rating:

- Licenses and Insurance
- Customer Reviews
- Time in business
- Profile completion

About this pro

Donald Thompson Plumbing and Drain Cleaning is not the typical contracting company. The company was originally started by my grandfather, Donald Thompson, in 1946. A decorated combat veteran of the 2nd world war, he was known for his genuinely affable personality and his honesty with his customers. I have the privilege of continuing his legacy. I have worked for a large plumbing company in the past and am familiar with many of the actions of dishonest contractors. When you call me out to your home, you can be assured that I will not show up impaired, will not attempt to sell you anything you do not need and will treat your home as though it were my own. I do my best to clean up after myself at every job. I know the importance of having a good name in the community. Since my grandfather'��s name is on the sign, it is that much more personal for me. I strive to do work that would make him proud.

  • Time in business: 79 years
  • 501 Lawrence Road, Broomall, PA 19008

Detailed Information

Year Established 1945
Business Categories Plumbing in Broomall, PA

Services Offered

  • Plumbing
    • Water Heater
    • Sewer & Water Main
    • Drain Cleaning

License Information

  • Licensed inpennsylvania
  • NumberPA099637
  • License typeHIC
  • License issue date04/09/2015

Insurance Information

  • Companymerchants mutual
  • Amount$500,000
  • Typegeneral liability

Client Review

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Business Hours Please call to confirm

  • Monday 12AM - 11:59PM
  • Tuesday 12AM - 11:59PM
  • Wed 12AM - 11:59PM
  • Thursday 12AM - 11:59PM
  • Friday 12AM - 11:59PM
  • Saturday 12AM - 11:59PM

Coverage Area

Best Questions to Ask a Plumber Contractor

Is your bill for Plumbing in Broomall an estimate or a final price?

This is very important, since an estimate is just that. Many contractors will submit a "paper estimate", meaning they've written the estimate down on paper. The bill is the true amount owed and will almost always say "Invoice" or "Bill" at the top of the page. The bill should also list the date it was issued, the due date of payment, and a list of services rendered.

Do you hire properly documented Plumbing workers?

This will be answered when you ask if all employees are licensed. The only way to obtain a legitimate tradesman's license is to be a legal or naturalized citizen of the US. The company may employ people in positions that don't require a license, however, so it's wise to inquire.

What is your projected timeline for the Plumbing project in Broomall?

Though a standard question, it's important to ask. Most contractors will tell you how long they expect the job to take without you asking. If they don't volunteer that information, be sure to ask. It's also helpful to ask if that's a hard finish date, meaning that it's the definite finish date. If it's a soft finish date, it may be extended for any number of reasons.

How many contractors do you have working for you? How many vehicles are in your fleet?

This is important mostly for larger jobs. Clearly a two man operation is going to build a home much slower than a 15 man crew. This is also a good indication of the overall size of the Plumbing company, if that's an area of concern for you. The reason you may want to ask about the fleet is that fleet size is a good indicator of the mobility of the company. Mobility may not sound important, but it's hard for the Broomall contractors to get to job sites if they lack appropriate vehicles.

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