Recent Requests near Bodega Bay, CA
Exterior Painting
Anthony B.
Petaluma, CA
clean chalk and paint exterior of house
Interior Painting
Donna S.
Healdsburg, CA
Ceilings and walls 980 square feet
Interior Painting
Linnette P.
Santa Rosa, CA
Living and dining room, 2 baths, 3 bedrooms, stair case, long hallway
Exterior Painting
Alex G.
Petaluma, CA
Painting in and out of the house will be needed. Outside is wood and paint is very old and peeling off.
Interior Painting
Adam D.
Rohnert Park, CA
I am planning to do some repainting work soon, but I will probably need to hire a company to do the upper floor of the house; considering that they will probably use a sprayer to do the work, it'll probably be easier just to get them to do the whole thing - I need an estimate for this.