Recent Requests near Stewartville, MN
Masonry Work
Shirley S.
Stewartville, MN
Dripping in garage, roof company says it is due to chimney flash, and said special structure needed due to wide chimney to improve the water flow.
Stamped Concrete
Jeffrey M.
Rochester, MN
We currently have pavers on our large front entrance totaling roughly 220 square feet. We are looking to remove the pavers in favor of stamped concrete.
Brick and Stone Patios, Walks & Steps
Norman N.
Kasson, MN
need 400 sq ft of permeable paver driveway.
Brick and Stone Patios, Walks & Steps
Nick C.
Lake City, MN
Backyard Flagstone patio needs to be acid washed, cracked mortar and flagstone repaired ... basically a refresh of the patio without doing a demo or replacement
Brick and Stone Patios, Walks & Steps
Richard H.
Rochester, MN
I have a small patch of pavers on my front driveway that are sinking in....