Recent Requests near Carville, LA
Masonry Work
Carol W.
Baker, LA
There are about 12 bricks in the front of house near front door that need to be repaired/replaced
Brick or Stone Fireplace Repair
Mike S.
Gonzales, LA
Have a fireplace but need a direct vent installed for gas logs.
Masonry Work
Dan C.
Denham Springs, LA
Need to repair about 17 feet of concrete footing at base of front fence. Also need about 90 bricks cleaned of old mortar and relaid over concrete footing
Brick and Stone Patios, Walks & Steps
Kristi R.
Baker, LA
Front porch steps (sandstone) needs repaired. I have pics if it would help.
Stone Masonry
Frank P.
Zachary, LA
re-cement (reset) 16 slabs of blue-stone steps only.