Recent Requests near Inman, KS
Masonry Work
Roger L.
Newton, KS
Pour concrete under driveway where it has eroded.
Masonry Work
Andrea J.
Newton, KS
Our fence gate is 8' and we have a replacement 10' gate we would like to have installed. It requires moving the brick fence on one side to accommodate it.
Masonry Work
Philip M.
Newton, KS
Need a brick mason with experience installing 9in or 12in strong ties to existing brick wall where existing brick ties are not attached to wood framing.
Masonry Work
Sue L.
Newton, KS
Need a wooden mantel put up on a brick fireplace. Also a clock and some artwork.
Stone Masonry
Resmy J.
Newton, KS
We have a retaining wall at the back border of the property which is bulging out and we got a vilation from the City, so looking for an estimate to remove the existing wall and build a new one