Recent Requests near Merritt Island, FL
Debris/Junk Removal
Richard A.
Merritt Island, FL
1. 6-7 foot circular pile-1 1/2-2 ft high of bricks and concrete pieces and 1 medium window air conditioner removed
Debris/Junk Removal
Kathy G.
Merritt Island, FL
Remove washer and dryer from basement and haul away
Debris/Junk Removal
Judy B.
Merritt Island, FL
Basement, 2 box springs & matt., garage, tools, mic.
Debris/Junk Removal
Monica W.
Merritt Island, FL
Pick up old mattresses. 2 Queen top mattresses & 1 Queen box spring
Debris/Junk Removal
Laurie R.
Melbourne, FL
Junk, clothes, trash, and some furniture left behind by evicted renter of mobile home.