Recent Requests near Port Orchard, WA
Garage Doors
Bobbe P.
Port Orchard, WA
When garage door gets to the top, it makes a horrid grinding gear sound. Pushing the button makes it stop. Pushing the button a second time allows the door to go down with no problem.
Garage Doors
Catherine S.
Bainbridge Island, WA
The wire cables came unattached. I was able to get one side attached to lower the garage door but need to have it done properly so it will be safe to use the door.
Garage Doors
Janssen M.
Bainbridge Island, WA
Garage door will not close all the way. Freedom of movement is restricted
Garage Doors
Ryan S.
Bremerton, WA
We just bought a house, but don't close on the house til the end of June. The current garage door does not have the eye sensors and we are looking to see how much it will cost to have them installed.
Garage Doors
John W.
Bremerton, WA
Gears (internal) stripped on opener