Recent Requests near Marietta, PA
Concrete Foundations
Patrick B.
Ephrata, PA
Looking to hire for a concrete slab or stem wall foundation for a 16x24 building
Concrete Foundations
Kelly L.
Lancaster, PA
This is a Deltec with a wing. We will be installing radiant flooring. We will also be staining the concrete flooring.
Concrete Foundations
Armando G.
Lancaster, PA
Undermining under garage slab and I think he needs a foundation put underneath it it was pour on top of land field soil
Concrete Foundations
Greg D.
Lancaster, PA
I am building a 30'x50' outbuilding/shop. Single story with a concrete slap floor. Ground is slopping where the back of the building will be about 6' above grade. Hoping to use poured concrete foundation to allow backfill with self compacting pea gravel and pouring slab on top.
Concrete Foundations
Salem J.
Lancaster, PA
I need a contractor to install foundation and retaining walls for a new commercial building