Recent Requests near Bonita Springs, FL
Electrical for Home Addition or Remodel
Richard R.
Bonita Springs, FL
to hard wire a heater in out building and run a 50 amp outlet.
Electrical Wiring or Panel Upgrade
Darlene G.
Bonita Springs, FL
The electrical line from the road ripped off the side of our house.
Electrical Wiring or Panel Upgrade
Brian B.
Bonita Springs, FL
Our neighbor is steeling our electric, we live in a duplex.
Our main shut off is in her basement but out service panel is in ours. The electric meter for our side is on her side of the house. We want to have our meter moved to our side ( there is a pole 12' from our side of the house and is where Cox and Verizon have there boxes located. it is 22' from this corner to where our service panel is located and is in the basement so there are no walls to go through. We are paying for this with the landlords approval. The neighbor who is steeling the electric will not allow anyone including the landlord into her side of the house so I was hoping that since our service panel is on our side that once the meter is moved to our side that the line from our main shut of can just be cut and a new one installed on our side coming from the new meter.
Electrical Wiring or Panel Upgrade
Kevin B.
Bonita Springs, FL
I have one circuit breaker that keeps tripping, will only reset for a few seconds before tripping again.
Electrical Wiring or Panel Upgrade
Ken H.
Bonita Springs, FL
Upgrading wiring of a ranch-style home built in 1960. No legit 3-prong outlets in house. Easy access to all wiring (open basement ceiling).