Recent Requests near Gibson City, IL
Trina W.
Champaign, IL
Water damage to ceiling and wall in closet and hallway need damaged areas removed and replaced
Surbrina/sylvester G.
Homer, IL
Need drywall&ceiling installation & paint: ceiling installed in Family Room, ceiling installed in Guest bathroom, ceiling&wall installed in Master Bedroom&Master Bathroom& Closet. Damage from leaks from storms. Mold Remediation will remove all drywall& treat. This is an insurance claim. Please let us know as soon as possible when you will be available to do an estimate.
John S.
Urbana, IL
Water damaged ceiling with popcorn finish
Jessica S.
Champaign, IL
We are having new insulation installed in our family room and need drywall installed. I can email the measurements after I hear back from you, we do not have internet at home, so I am researching at work. It is approximately a 350 square foot space. Thank you.
Jim C.
Rantoul, IL
Looking for sound control on two walls; one wall seperates the two duplex units. Interested in the QuietRock product. The wall seperating the dupllex units is 8X28 ft and the other wall seperates the master bedroom from the living room and is 8X19ft.