Recent Requests near Ridgecrest, CA
Install Carpet
Stephen Y.
Ridgecrest, CA
carpet damage from dog - damaged areas are all on the edge where the carpet meets hard floors
Install Carpet
Raja K.
Ridgecrest, CA
Looking to get carpet installed in 3 rooms \nRoughly 10\' by 14\' each.\nNeeded estimate
Install Carpet
Brandon F.
Bakersfield, CA
Low grade carpet replacement for an apartment bedroom. Size 8' x 12'
Install Carpet
Lonny R.
Bakersfield, CA
Need 2 rooms, ( 23\'9\'\'x 10\'4\'\') & (14\'4\'\' x 15\'2\'\') and hallway leading downstairs.
Install Carpet
Cathy K.
Bakersfield, CA
1. Need carpet installed in a secondary bedroom closet. I have pad and carpet ready to go. \n2. pull/stretch a small sections of carpet in Mst Bedroom. Carpet is puckering up.