Recent Requests near Hat Creek, CA
Bathroom Refacing
Dick M.
Redding, CA
approx. 5.5' cast iron clawfoot bathtub needs inside refinished.It has a little rust around drain.
Bathroom Refacing
Ron H.
Anderson, CA
Existing tub liner was installed about 12 years ago, there is water underneath the liner and water has leaked into the basement. I would like a quote on removing the liner and refinishing the existing tub.
Bathroom Refacing
Peter Y.
Shasta Lake, CA
We need to refinish or resurface a bathtub but NOT replacement.
Bathroom Refacing
Cristie C.
Redding, CA
need to refinish a claw foot tub
Bathroom Refacing
Bernice B.
Anderson, CA
Two section kitchen sink has a section that needs refinishing. A section of the porcelain came off after hot water was pored.