Recent Requests near Raymond, OH
Additions and Remodeling
Sabreena O.
Newark, OH
Looking to make singlewide mobile home wheelchair accessible, widening doorframes, bathroom remodel x2, kitchen cabintry, electrical outlets raised and possible home addition
Garage Remodeling
Karen J.
Newark, OH
corner of attache garage needs repair due to tree limb storm damage.
roof , 2 holes in sheeting, gutters, soffit
Additions and Remodeling
Sheri D.
Dublin, OH
The area to be repaired/replaced is the vestibule area in a Wendy's restaurant. A customer's car rolled into the framework, damaging the frame that housed the window and doors. The roof also needs to be replaced/repaired.
Room Additions
Vickie R.
Lancaster, OH
The exterior of my home needs painting with powered washing, scraping and prep work needed. I want new window woof frames and porch post beefed up. Also exterior front peak reworked.
Additions and Remodeling
Mike R.
Westerville, OH
Bathroom remodel
Kitchen remodel