Indoor air quality is one of the most important things to consider in your home, especially since indoor air can be more polluted than the air outside. This can threaten your health and your family’s, so it’s important that you follow these tips and ensure that your house is a safe space to live in.

Indoor air quality is one of the most important things in your home!
Indoor air quality is one of the most important things to consider in your home. Image source: Roofing Calculator

The Pollutants

There are three categories of indoor pollutants:

  • Combustion pollutants that come from heaters, stoves, dryers, and fireplaces. The most common ones are carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide.
  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) include acetone, benzene, and ethylene glycol. These usually come from household products (such as paints and cleaning supplies).
  • Asthma and allergy triggers like mold, dust mites, pollen, smoke, and pet dander - which is why keeping a cleaning plan for your home is so important.

You can read more about these pollutants at Apartment Therapy.

Healthy Level of Humidity

There's even the option of DIY a dehumidifier like this chalk one.
There's even the option of DIY a dehumidifier like this chalk one. Image source: Martha Stewart

Humidity leads to moisture, and that leads to dust mites and mold. A dehumidifier helps reduces moisture and control allergens. You can also prevent humidity by opening a window when cooking, bathing or running the dishwasher.

Air conditioners are an option during summer months, just keep in mind that in order to avoid allergies you must always have clean air filters. Learn more about air conditioners here.

Clean Your House

Cleaning regularly is the best way to avoid accumulating dust that causes allergies and irritants. Not only floors, but all areas that usually wouldn’t get much attention - such as ceiling fans and top of refrigerators. Consider these tips to clean the house:

  • Make an all purpose cleaner
  • Remove towel mildew (and hang them the right way)
  • Remove pet hair from couches and rugs with a rubber glove

Ensure Proper Ventilation

A proper ventilation helps avoid moisture, cookind odors, and indoor pollutants.
A proper ventilation helps avoid moisture, cooking odors, and indoor pollutants. Image source: Kitchen and Home Improvement

A proper ventilation system is important to help avoid moisture, cooking odors, and indoor pollutants. You can opt for natural ventilation or a mechanical system. Both of which you can learn more about at Building Green.

Test For Radon

Radon is a type of gas that occurs naturally in soils and rock and it’s the second leading cause of lung cancer. Testing for radon is inexpensive and can save your life!

No Smoking Indoors

If there's smokers in your home, ask them to keep it outside!
If there's smokers in your family, ask them to take it outside! Image source: Etsy

This one is pretty obvious, nevertheless it’s still important to mention. If there are smokers in your family - or friends that often visit you - ask them to smoke outside only!

Use Natural Ways to Keep Your Home Smelling Nice

Many gases evaporating from synthetic fragrances are actually VOCs. However, these easy and simple DIY projects will help make your home smell great all the time.

Place Indoor Air-Filtering Plants

Air quality is among the several benefits that indoor plants bring.
Air quality is among the many benefits that indoor plants bring. Image source: Vasco

Aside from improving air quality, plants have several more benefits to it, for example:

  • Natural humidifiers
  • Help with allergies
  • De-stress

Learn more about these 8 Surprising Reasons Why You Should Have More Houseplants.

Fix Leaks

This may sound obvious, but leaks generally go unnoticed. Check your house - including the roof, foundation, and basement (especially if you have a basement bathroom) - at least once a year to avoid wheezing, coughing, and asthma symptoms.

Find a local service to inspect your home.

Care for Your Pet

Care for your pet so you can better enjoy its company.
Care for your pet so you can better enjoy its company. Image source: Feed Puzzle

Allergies can come from animal’s saliva, urine, feces, and dead skin cells. These allergens are particularly prevalent during the winter, when they spend more time indoors, so make sure to regularly bathe and groom your pet - and don’t forget to wash the pet beds!

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