Acierno Brothers Construction Co.

Acierno Brothers Construction Co.

Cleaner -
Maspeth, NY
  • Cleaning Services in Cliffside Park, NJ
  • House Cleaning in Rego Park, NY
  • Rug Cleaning in Whitestone, NY
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Rating 62
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- Licenses and Insurance
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About this pro

  • 60-67 56th Street, Maspeth, NY 11378

Detailed Information

Business Categories Cleaning in Maspeth, NY

Services Offered

  • Cleaning
    • Cleaning Services
    • House Cleaning
    • Rug Cleaning

License Information

  • License typeContractors General

Client Review

Out of 0 Reviews
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Business Hours Please call to confirm

  • Monday 8AM - 6PM
  • Tuesday 8AM - 6PM
  • Wednesday 8AM - 6PM
  • Thu 8AM - 6PM
  • Friday 8AM - 6PM
  • Saturday 8AM - 6PM

Coverage Area

Best Questions to Ask a Cleaner Contractor

How many contractors do you have working for you? How many vehicles are in your fleet?

This is important mostly for larger jobs. Clearly a two man operation is going to build a home much slower than a 15 man crew. This is also a good indication of the overall size of the Cleaning company, if that's an area of concern for you. The reason you may want to ask about the fleet is that fleet size is a good indicator of the mobility of the company. Mobility may not sound important, but it's hard for the Maspeth contractors to get to job sites if they lack appropriate vehicles.

How long have you been in Cleaning business for/How long have been serving the Maspeth area?

You'll always want to ask how long the company has been in business in Maspeth. While this isn't a guarantee that the company will do good work, companies with longevity on their side must be doing something right. That being said, there are newer companies that do great work. If the company is under three years old, ask where the owner was employed before and for how long. If he/she has a long history of employment, it's reasonable to infer that he or she decided to go into business for themselves after so many years of experience.

Do you have any references that I can contact?

Always ask for references, and always check them. Keep in mind though that the only references you'll get are people who the contractor is certain will give him a good review. You'd also be well advised to check online review sources in Maspeth as well, which will give you a broader view of customer satisfaction for a given company.

Are you insured and/or bonded for Cleaning?

You'll certainly want to ask them this. Steer clear of any company that is not insured in New York, because that means that any incidental damage they may do on your property will be a real hassle to recover compensation for. It is never wise to work with uninsured tradesmen of any kind. Most states also require that someone have insurance in order to be issued a trade license. If they say they're licensed but not insured, they're being less than truthful.

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